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Workfare is part of Broader Support Available for Lower-Wage Workers

We refer to Mr Fang’s letter “Workfare Income Supplement Scheme has shortcomings, 12 Jul”, and thank him for his support of the upcoming increase to the qualifying income ceiling for the Workfare Income Supplement (Workfare) Scheme to $3,000.

Mr Fang asked about the need for Workfare to have a minimum income criterion of $500 per month. The minimum income criterion is to encourage workers to work more regularly or take up higher-paying jobs.

We have made significant steps to uplift the wages of lower-wage workers through the Progressive Wage Model and Local Qualifying Salary. Today, up to 9 in 10 full-time lower-wage workers are covered by Progressive Wage moves. Lower-wage workers not directly covered should also see wage increases, as employers adjust to attract and retain their workers in a tight labour market. As such, most regular workers will be able to earn more than $500 and benefit from Workfare. Individuals who need greater support to find better-paying jobs can approach Workforce Singapore and NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) for career matching services.

Lower-wage self-employed persons, including Platform Workers, can also qualify for Workfare. Once stronger protections for Platform Workers are implemented, eligible Platform Workers will receive Workfare on a monthly basis instead of annually, similar to employees.

We recognise that there may be some who do not meet the minimum income criterion due to personal circumstances and are in greater need of support. This may include individuals with significant caregiving responsibilities, Persons with Disabilities and ComCare Short-to-Medium-Term Assistance recipients. We will provide concessionary Workfare for such eligible workers even if they earn less than $500 per month.

Lum Pooi-Fun (Ms)
Director (Retirement Systems), Income Security Policy Division
Ministry of Manpower

[Letter] ZB: Workfare Income Supplement Scheme has shortcomings (12 Jul)

笔者是一名自雇人士,曾经受惠于就业入息补助计划 (Workfare Income Supplement)。由于家中有长者需要笔者照料,因此无法投入常规的全职工作,只能在家从事翻译工作。笔者的客户,大半来自非营利组织,所以我和工作伙伴都避免把收费定得过高。



因为,某些低薪一族的月入根本不足500元。把原本符合条件领取就业入息补助的人士排除在外,他们却是最需要受惠的一群。如果连月收入少于500元的人士,都不能 “定义” 为低收入者、不能受惠,政府要如何帮助这个群体呢?



