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Speech at Opening Ceremony of Career 2008 & Education 2008

Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister of State for Education and Manpower, Suntec Exhibition Centre, Hall 402

Mr Colin Koh, Chairman, Singapore Professional Centre

Ms Rosalind Ng, Managing Director, IIR Exhibitions Pte Ltd


Principals, Vice Principals

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning,


1.   I am delighted to join you this morning at the launch of CAREER 2008 and EDUCATION 2008.

2.   Countries all around the world continue to be impacted by the effects of globalisation. Shortening business cycles, the recent turbulence in the financial markets, threat of high oil and commodity prices as well as environmental concerns have all contributed to a state of constant volatility. We cannot stop or slow down the tidal waves of change brought about by globalisation nor can we hope to insulate ourselves from the effects of these changes. Instead, we must position ourselves to stay afloat and ride the waves, by taking proactive steps to sharpen our competitive edge and overcome forthcoming challenges.

3.   To do this, we must equip our young with relevant skills and knowledge so that they can compete and flourish on the global stage. They must also adopt positive mindsets and attitudes towards lifelong learning and globalization.

Education and Career Guidance: A Developmental Approach

4.   We must prepare our students well for their eventual entry into the workplace. We must engage our students systematically at various levels of their development through our Education and Career Guidance (ECG) programme.

5.   Primary school students are naturally curious and imaginative. The primary school careers exhibition – "Dreaming of Possibilities: An Exploratory Journey of Careers" will allow our primary school pupils to learn about various career options through experiential activities under the guidance of professional representatives.

6.   At the secondary level, we need to focus on helping our students explore education and career possibilities and alternatives. Later this afternoon, some 300 secondary students from various schools will have first-hand experience in performing a self directed search. This will allow them to gain a better understanding of their interests and skills, and see how these match up with their desired career choices. They can also hear from invited speakers talk about different occupations.

7.   Pre-university students are more mature and have a better understanding of their aspirations. Throughout the four days of the exhibition, MOE Guidance Officers and School Counselors will be on hand to advise students on making educational choices. In addition, a series of seminars on various career topics by Guidance Specialists has been lined up.

8.   Parents too, play an important role in the career development of their children. At this exhibition, we have incorporated a talk for parents on how they can be more actively and effectively involved in guiding their children on career options and shaping their futures.

Educational Upgrading of ITE Graduates

9.   The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Manpower recently conducted a survey on the educational upgrading of ITE graduates. The survey found that more than half of those who graduated between 1997 and 2001 had attained higher qualifications, or were in the process of doing so. Two-thirds of these higher qualifications were at the diploma level. This is a good sign and it reflects the desire of our students to upgrade themselves.

10.   They hope to enhance their career progression and prospects or just to improve themselves. With higher qualifications, many of them are now enjoying better wages, and benefiting from their improved skills and productivity. Their newly acquired qualifications have also opened doors to more and better career options. This spirit of continuous learning is commendable, and bodes well for our future.

Career Compass – Making Informed Choices

11.   We can expect continued employment growth in the years ahead. New developments in the economy will provide a continuous stream of new jobs. The new integrated resorts, hotels and shopping malls, as well as conventions and events like the F1 race, will generate numerous opportunities in the tourism sector. The Youth Olympic Games in 2010 will be another boost. Singapore's ageing population, together with medical travellers, will create greater demand for healthcare professionals. Higher value-added activities in marine engineering, aerospace, medical technology and precision engineering will require higher skilled scientists, engineers and technicians. Architects, civil engineers and other building & construction professionals are also in high demand, supporting major projects such as the Marina Bay Financial Centre, Singapore Sports Hub, Downtown Line and the rejuvenation of Orchard Road.

12.   In this increasingly diverse and varied labour market, students may find it a challenge to navigate through the fast emerging opportunities available across the various industry sectors. Without comprehensive information, students could face difficulties in making an informed decision on their courses of study, or their career. For this reason, MOM is introducing a career guide for students and fresh graduates, called "Career Compass 2008".

13.   The Career Compass, produced in collaboration with 19 ministries and agencies, provides students with a clear overview of the developments in the current and future job market. It includes forward-looking information on manpower demand in key industries, as well as detailed occupational information such as nature of the work, employment conditions and wages. 10,000 copies of the Career Compass have already been made available to the universities, polytechnics and ITE for distribution to their students. Some 8,000 users have also visited the Career Compass's online version. Another 3,000 copies are available today at this very event at the MOE Education Counselling Corner. We hope that students will find the Career Compass a useful reference.


14.   CAREER 2008 and EDUCATION 2008 is an excellent platform for students, parents, workers, businesses, educational institutions and training providers to come together, interact and explore new opportunities. Our students can be optimistic about the future, where many good job opportunities and challenging careers await.

15.   I would like to take this opportunity to wish the organisers – Singapore Professional Centre (SPC) and IIR Exhibitions Pte Ltd – a successful CAREER 2008 and EDUCATION 2008. And to all exhibitors and visitors, I wish you an exciting and rewarding experience.

16.   Thank you.