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Key facts on Dependant's Pass

Get a overview and key facts about the Dependant's Pass for spouses and children of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

Pass facts 

Who it is for Legally married spouse or unmarried children under 21 years of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.
Who can apply An employer or appointed employment agent must apply on behalf of the candidate.
What is the duration The duration is tied to the validity of the main work pass or up to the duration requested, whichever is shorter.  
Is it renewable Yes. Find out how to renew.
Relevant legislation Immigration Act
Related eServices and forms Access online services and forms for Dependant’s Pass.

Features of the pass

The key features of the pass are as follows:

Pass map

Overview of what you need to do before, during and after you apply for the Dependant’s Pass.

Step 1 of 4

Statistics and publications

Before applying

Before applying

Step 2 of 4

Statistics and publications

Before arrival

Before arrival

Step 3 of 4

Statistics and publications

Upon arrival

Upon arrival

Step 4 of 4

Statistics and publications

When required

When required