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Working in Singapore for Dependant's Pass holders of Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders

Spouses of Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders can work or operate a business in Singapore with a Letter of Consent (LOC). Other dependants will need a work pass.

At a glance

Who it is for

Spouses of Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders who wish to work or operate a business in Singapore. 

Other dependants of Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders who are not spouses will need to obtain a work pass to work for an employer in Singapore.

Who can apply

The candidate or appointed employment agent can apply if the candidate wishes to operate a business in Singapore.

An employer needs to apply on behalf of the candidate if the candidate wishes to work in Singapore.

How much it costs Free
How long it takes

Within 4 weeks for most cases

What is the duration

LOC to work as an employee:

  • Up to the expiry date of the Dependant's Pass

LOC for business owners:

  • First-time candidates: One year from issue date or up to the expiry date of the Dependant’s Pass, whichever is shorter
  • Subsequent renewals: Up to the expiry date of the Dependant’s Pass.

How to apply

Spouses of Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders who wish to work or operate a business in Singapore can apply for a Letter of Consent.

To apply for a Letter of Consent to work as an employee:

  1. Check that your Dependant’s Pass has at least 3 months validity. Renew your pass if it has less than 3 months validity.
  2. Have your prospective employer submit an application.

To apply for a Letter of Consent to run a business:

  1. Check that your Dependant’s Pass has at least 3 months validity. Renew your pass if it has less than 3 months validity.
  2. Meet the criteria as a business owner.
  3. Submit an application
  4. You will receive an outcome within 1 week. If your request is approved, you can either proceed to apply for the LOC by: 
    • Using EP eService on myMOM Portal
    • Engaging an employment agent to apply on your behalf.

Check your application status after 3 weeks. It may take longer if additional information is required.

If your application is still pending after 3 weeks, please check your email for our request of additional documents.

You will need to obtain a work pass to work for an employer in Singapore.

Dependant's Pass (DP) holders who get an EP or S Pass

You will be granted the work and stay privileges associated with an EP or S Pass.

As your stay in Singapore will no longer depend on the main Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holder, you will no longer require a DP.

You need to cancel your DP before your EP or S Pass gets issued.

DP holders who get a Work Permit

You will need to hold on to both your Work Permit and your DP for Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass.

You do not need to obtain a work pass to participate in volunteer activities if:

  • No payment is involved
  • The activities are for a charitable purpose