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What is a work-related accident

You need to report work-related accidents, Dangerous Occurrences and Occupational Diseases. Find out what needs to be reported.

A work-related accident is any unintended event that occurs in the course of work (excluding domestic work) that leads to an injury or condition.

It can also be a Dangerous Occurrence, an Occupational Disease or:

  • Traffic accidents that happen at the workplace or in the course of work, e.g. a traffic accident while commuting to work on company transport.
  • Accidents that are incidental to or from work, e.g. slipping and falling within the workplace but when not performing official work duties.
  • Conditions of a medical nature, such as heart attacks or strokes, that may be triggered by work.

Dangerous Occurrence

A Dangerous Occurrence is one that is found in the list of Dangerous Occurrences.

Occupational Disease

An Occupational Disease is one that is found in the list of Occupational Diseases. Any disease not found in the list but which results from exposure to chemical or biological agents at work is also an Occupational Disease.

Unsafe acts or work conditions

This is any act or work condition that appears unsafe and may cause damage to life or property.