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WSH Resources

Find WSH resources such as assessment tools like iWorkhealth, Incident Cost Calculator and WSH technology.

The Workplace Safety and Health Institute (WSHI) is a department within the Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSHD) in MOM.

Its core business is:

  • Uncovering WSH trends and risks through data.
  • Anticipating emerging WSH issues.
  • Developing WSH assessment tools.
  • Partnering stakeholders in the technology ecosystem to improve WSH through industry-specific technologies.

You can also refer to these resources to help your company or organisation improve WSH practices:

  • Assessment tools are available based on research studies conducted by the WSH Institute in collaboration with its partners. Find out more on the available tools for use at workplaces.
  • WSH Technologies is a key enabler to achieving the strategic outcomes in WSH 2028. It can address perennial workplace safety and health issues in your industry. You will also find links to the relevant support schemes innovation platforms and other programmes.
  • Incident Cost Calculator estimates the costs associated with a workplace incident comprehensively by taking into account the different types of costs that may arise before and after a workplace incident. 
  • Past OWLinks newsletters that were published bi-monthly between March 2020 to October 2023 on WSH developments and issues of interest.
  • Past research publications based on studies that WSHI had conducted.