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In this new normal where businesses move more of their services and transactions online, you can take measures to safeguard data from cyber terrorism.

What is cyber terrorism?

The attacks and objectives are vastly different from traditional terrorism.

Your company or organisation should be able to identify and rate potential threats, vulnerabilities, and possible impacts to ensure your organisation assets is sufficiently safeguarded.

The rise of the digital economy

Due to the nature of cyber threats, businesses may not notice the risk until it is too late, hence the importance of having a good security culture.

You and your organisation should be aware of the various examples of cyber-attacks that have occurred in recent years.

Impacts of a cyber attack

It is imperative for organisation to know the various impacts of a cyber attack, especially with greater instances of hybrid work.

It is important for businesses to keep abreast of the anticipated trends in cybersecurity.

Ensuring proper cyber defense

Find out more about the steps to take in ensuring proper defence against cyber-attacks:

Your organisation should know the essentials in being safe online. It includes conducting safe online conferencing, encrypting sensitive and classified information and storing of data online.

Quiz time!

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