If you wish to convert your Work Permit holder to an S Pass, first ensure that the candidate is eligible by using the S Pass self-assessment tool.
If your candidate meets the requirements, you can then apply for an S Pass for them.
You should apply for the S Pass early.
Your candidate can remain in Singapore while the application is being made, as long as their Work Permit is valid. You don't have to cancel the Work Permit before the S Pass is approved.
You should ensure that you have sufficient quota before submitting the application to upgrade the work pass.
If the quota calculator indicates that you have sufficient S Pass quota, but you are still unable to apply for an S Pass due to insufficient quota, consider checking the company’s Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC).
If your candidate’s Work Permit is expiring before you get the S Pass application outcome, you can request to extend their Work Permit. The extension is subject to MOM’s approval.