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S Pass quota and levy requirements

The number of S Pass holders you can hire is limited by a quota. You must also pay a monthly levy for these workers.

Quota requirement

A dependency ratio ceiling (DRC), or quota, is the maximum ratio of foreign workers to the total workforce that a company in a given sector can employ.

Sector  DRC 
Construction  83.3% 
Process  83.3% 
Marine shipyard  77.8%
Manufacturing  60% 
Services  35% 

If the DRC for the services sector is 35%, the total number of Work Permit and S Pass holders employed by a services company cannot exceed 35% of its total workforce.

In addition, the number of PRC Work Permit holders your company can hire is limited by a PRC sub-quota and is capped at:

  • 8% of your company’s total workforce if your company is in the services sector.
  • 25% of your company’s total workforce if your company is in the manufacturing sector.

Under the existing quota, the number of S Pass holders your company can hire is capped at:

  • 10% of the company’s total workforce in the services sector.
  • 15% in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard and process sectors.

We use information from your company’s CPF account to compute the number of local employees hired by your company, which determines the foreign worker quota.

The foreign worker quota is calculated based on the average number of local employees in your company over the last 3 months.  To ensure your quota is calculated correctly, please declare the paid salaries and CPF contributions of your local employees promptly and accurately.

The Local Qualifying Salary (LQS) determines the number of local employees who can be used to calculate your Work Permit and S Pass quota entitlement.

A Singaporean or Permanent Resident employee employed under a contract of service, including the company’s director, is counted as: 

  • 1 local employee if they earn the LQS of at least $1,600 per month.
  • 0.5 local employee if they earn half the LQS of at least $800 to below $1,600 per month.

The number of local employees will be updated every Saturday and you can check the quota balance on the next working day. 

Any late or non-payment of CPF contributions and salaries declaration will affect your quota and may cause your foreign workers to be allocated higher levy tiers.

You may:
  • Refer to the Guidelines on the Calculation of Quota and Levy Bill to find out more on how your quota and levy bill are calculated.  
  • Log on to WP Online to check your company’s current workforce and quota
  • Use the quota calculator below to  plan how many Work Permit and S Pass holders your company can hire.

Calculate your quota

If you have never applied for a Work Permit or S Pass, you need to declare your business activity. Based on your declaration, we will assign your company to the most relevant sector, which determines the number of Work Permit and S Pass holders you can hire.

Levy requirement

The foreign worker levy, commonly known as “levy”, is a pricing mechanism to regulate the number of foreign workers in Singapore.

As an employer, you must pay the levy for all your S Pass holders. The levy liability starts from the day the S Pass is issued and ends when the pass is cancelled or expires.

You should pay the levy using GIRO. 

Levy rate

From 1 September 2025, the S Pass Basic / Tier 1 levy rate will be increased from $550 and harmonised with the Tier 2 levy at $650.

For the services sector, the levy rate is as follows:

Tier Quota % Monthly levy rate Daily levy rate
Basic / Tier 1 Up to 10% of the total workforce

$550 (will be $650 from 1 Sep 2025)

$18.09 (will be $21.37 from 1 Sep 2025)

If you temporarily exceed the 10% S Pass quota for the services sector due to workforce attrition, you will be charged the Tier 2 levy rate for the excess S Passes.

For all sectors (excluding services), the levy rate is as follows:

Tier Quota % Monthly levy rate Daily levy rate
Basic / Tier 1 Up to 10% of the total workforce $550 (will be $650 from 1 Sep 2025) $18.09 (will be $21.37 from 1 Sep 2025)
Tier 2 Above 10% to 15% of the total workforce $650 $21.37

Levy rates are regularly reviewed and adjusted as required. See the upcoming changes in S Pass levy rates and quota.

Note: The daily levy rate applies only to S Pass holders who did not work for a full calendar month. The daily levy rate is calculated as follows: (Monthly levy rate x 12) / 365 = rounding up to the nearest cent.

More on Quota and levy for S Pass