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Labour Relations and Workplaces Division

The Labour Relations and Workplaces Division’s (LRWD) key functions include to enforce employment legislation, preserve workplace harmony, and advocate progressive workplace practices.

About us

The Labour Relations and Workplaces Division (LRWD) works closely with our tripartite partners – the National Trades Union Congress and the Singapore National Employers Federation, to achieve workplace excellence for the benefit of employees and employers.

Our division administers the following employment legislation:

  • Employment Act
  • Employment Claims Act 2016
  • Industrial Relations Act
  • Trade Disputes Act
  • Trade Unions Act
  • Retirement and Re-employment Act

Core functions

The key functions of LRWD include to:

Enforce Employment Legislation

Our Employment Standards Enforcement Department enforces the Employment Act through inspections and investigations of workplaces to ensure that basic employment standards are complied with. The department also oversees the implementation of two national initiatives, namely Workright and Progressive Wage Model to ensure that the employment rights of low-wage Singaporeans are protected and that both employers and employees are aware of their employment rights and obligations under core employment legislation such as the Employment Act and the CPF Act.

Preserve Workplace Harmony

Our Industrial Relations Department plays a key role in advocating and preserving workplace harmony at workplace through preventive mediation and conciliation to help unions and employers resolve employment disputes.

Our division also works closely with the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) to help employees and employers manage employment disputes. TADM, which is jointly set up by the tripartite partners, offers advisory and mediation services for employment disputes.

The Registry of Trade Unions supports the development of a responsible trade union movement through the registration and regulation of trade unions in Singapore.

Advocate Progressive Workplace Practices

Our division works closely with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) to advocate fair, responsible and progressive employment practices so as to enable employees to realise their full potential and help their employers achieve organisational excellence.

The Fair Consideration Office (FCO) administers the Fair Consideration Framework, which sets out clear expectations for companies to consider Singaporeans fairly for job and career development opportunities. FCO works closely with TAFEP to look into feedback and complaints on discriminatory employment practices and job advertisements. FCO also investigates into appeals made by employees against unfair dismissals by their employers.

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