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What is SGSecure@Workplaces

The threat of terrorism to Singapore is constantly evolving. Businesses, being the key driver of Singapore’s economy, need to be prepared and stay resilient in the face of terror attacks. 
As a member of the workforce, you play a key role in raising workplace awareness on the possibility of terror attacks, as well as increasing preparedness levels.

SGSecure@Workplaces aims to strengthen the vigilance and resilience of workplaces to withstand terror attacks, and other situations that may adversely affect the harmonious working relationships at our workplaces.

Take 5 easy steps to raise your organisation's preparedness today.

#1 Step 1 - Register your SGSecure rep Register your SGSecure Rep and subscribe to our monthly bulletin.
#2 Step 2 - Download the SGSecure app Get all your employees to download the SGSecure app.
app-store-badge andriod-badge
#3 Step 3 - Brief your employees on emergency escape routes Brief your employees on the emergency escape routes.
#4 Step 4 - Download advisories Download the Run · Hide · Tell and Press » Tie » Tell advisories.
#5 Step 5 - Equip your workplace with SGSecure knowledge Equip your workplace with SGSecure knowledge through training materials and attending events.

Fundamentals of SGSecure@Workplaces

Crisis preparedness is critical to minimise loss of lives and profits. To complement the busy lifestyles of employees and employers in this day and age, we have simplified the crisis preparedness process into 3 foundational lessons for SGSecure representatives, such as yourself.

You may learn more on the fundamentals of SGSecure@Workplaces by clicking the links below:

Here are more resources on the 3Ps strategy

Educational information and guides

Learn more on the various SGSecure@Workplaces topics through training videos and industry-specific guides to be sensitised to the threat of terrorism and be better prepared at handling them.

Educational resources here

SGSecure Guides

Read about how employers and their employees are enhancing workplace preparedness under SGSecure@Workplaces.

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