Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass eServices and forms
Apply for an Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 15 mins
Candidates or their appointed employment agents or employers can apply for the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass.
Apply for a Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass under the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 15 mins
Candidates, appointed employment agencies or employers can apply for the Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass for their dependants.
Make, change or cancel appointment
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins
Persons or organisations can make an appointment for services available at MOM Services Centre (MOMSC) or the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC). You can also view, change or cancel your appointment.
Check work pass and application status
Estimated time to complete: 1 – 5 mins
Employers can check the status of a work pass application or the validity of a work pass. Work Permit holders can also check their salary information. No log in is required.
Cancel Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass
Estimated time to complete: 5 – mins
Persons can request to cancel their Overseas Network & Expertise Pass and for their dependants if they no longer plan to work or stay in Singapore.