Security bond conditions for migrant worker
Employers are to observe the following security bond conditions in respect of their work pass holders:
i. That during their stay in Singapore, be responsible for the prompt payment of salary, be responsible for and bear the costs of their upkeep and maintenance, including medical treatment, and give them reasonable notice of and bear the full cost of their repatriation, ensuring that all outstanding salaries or monies due to them have been paid before their repatriation;
ii. Provide acceptable accommodation for them;
iii. That, if any of them should die while in Singapore, be responsible for the cost of burial or cremation or the return of the body to the country/region of citizenship;
iv. Produce to the Controller of Work Passes any person whose work pass has been cancelled or whose Visit Pass/Special Pass has expired or who is required to report to the Controller at such times as you may be required to do so;
v. Employ them in accordance with the Work Pass Conditions and Regulatory Conditions applicable to them;
Note: Work Pass Conditions and Regulatory Conditions refers to the conditions and regulatory conditions for all work pass holders in the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations 2012.
vi. Take reasonable steps to ensure that they comply with the Work Pass Conditions and Regulatory Conditions applicable to them, and such steps shall include the following:
(a) Reporting to the Controller of Work Passes if you know they are not complying.
(b) Informing them of the Work Pass Conditions and Regulatory Conditions applicable to them.
vii. That upon completion or termination of employment or resignation from employment of any of them, or the cancellation or revocation of their work passes, inform the Controller of Work Passes in writing within seven days of such completion or termination of employment or resignation from employment and, subject to giving them reasonable notice, immediately or within such period that may be specified by the Controller of Work Passes, repatriate them.
Employers from Construction, Marine shipyard or Process sector also need to observe the following security bond conditions in respect of their work pass holders with effect from 1 May 2022:
viii. Ensure that the work pass holders are sent to the Ministry of Manpower’s Onboard centre immediately upon arrival in Singapore (where required), and that they complete the onboarding requirements at the Onboard centre.