Submit an SS651 audit
Certain companies need to submit their workplace's safety and health management system (SHMS) audit findings based on SS651.
At a glance
Who are those companies |
Who can submit |
When to submit | Every 24 months |
Related eServices | Submit and retrieve SS651 audit |
Companies must comply with the WSH (Safety and Health Management System and Auditing) Regulations by implementing a safety and health management system and conducting an audit on the system at the required frequency.
What is SS651
SS651 is a Singapore Standard developed specifically for the chemical industry in Singapore on Occupational Safety and Health management system.
You will need the following to submit an audit:
- Singpass
- Workplace number, workplace name and address of the employer
- Name and NRIC of the WSH auditor
- Final audit report
How to submit
You can submit the SS651 audit findings:
- Log in to WSH eService.
- Fill in the date of audit, NRIC and name of the WSH auditor.
- Attach the audit findings report and choose the document type “SHMS”.
- Click submit to complete the submission.
Save your work frequently. You can retrieve a saved draft submission and work on it later.
For more information and resources, you can read the user guide to online submission for audit findings.
Singapore Standards
Singapore Standards are a set of specifications, guidelines, codes of practice, test methods or management systems that are designed to enhance the market acceptance, innovation, quality or sustainability of the materials, products and services that companies and public use every day. Many organisations in Singapore are involved in the development and promotion of standards.
You can buy Singapore Standards, Technical References and International Standards at the Singapore Standards eShop.