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Key facts on S Pass

Get an overview and key facts about the S Pass for hiring foreign skilled workers (Associate Professionals and Technicians (APTs)) to work in Singapore.

Pass facts 

Who it is for Skilled workers who meet the eligibility criteria.
Who can apply An employer or appointed employment agent must apply on behalf of the applicant. If the pass holder changes jobs, the new employer has to apply for a new pass.

Qualifying salary

Fixed monthly salary comparable to top one-third of local APT salaries. This is a minimum of $3,150 (and increases progressively with age, up to $4,650 for those in mid-40s).

Candidates in the financial service sector need higher salaries to qualify.

What is the duration
  • First-time candidate: Up to 2 years.
  • Renewals: Up to 3 years

Note: The duration granted is limited by your passport validity. The pass can only be valid up to 1 month before your passport expiry date.

Is it renewable Yes. Find out how to renew.
Quota or levy Yes. Employers are subject to a quota and levy for S Pass employees.
Medical insurance Employers must provide medical insurance for S Pass holders.
Primary Care Plan (PCP)

Employers must complete all the following:

  • After getting the in-principle approval or renewal letter, buy a PCP for workers who either:
    • Stay in dormitories that can accommodate 7 or more workers
    • Work in CMP sectors 
  • Before the S Pass can be issued or renewed, declare the PCP purchase on myMOM Portal.
Relevant legislation Conditions of Work Pass
Employment of Foreign Manpower Act
Related eServices and forms Access online services and forms for S Pass.

Features of the pass

The key features of the pass are as follows:

Pass holders may be required to pay income tax.

Pass map

Get an idea of what you need to do before, during and after you apply for an S Pass.

Step 1 of 4

Statistics and publications

Before applying

Before applying

Step 2 of 4

Statistics and publications

Before arrival

Before candidate's arrival

    • Apply for the S Pass and wait for the outcome.
    • (If your pass is approved) Get an in-principle approval letter.
    • Buy the Primary Care Plan.

      For workers who stay in dormitories or work in the construction, marine shipyard, and process (CMP) sectors

    • Ensure that the candidate complies with the latest travel requirements.

Step 3 of 4

Statistics and publications

Upon arrival

Upon candidate's arrival

Step 4 of 4

Statistics and publications

When required

As and when required