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Key facts on Employment Pass

Get a quick overview of the Employment Pass (EP) to decide if it is the right pass for you. 

Pass facts

Who it is for Foreign professionals, managers and executives with a job offer in Singapore who meet the eligibility criteria.
Who can apply

An employer or appointed employment agent needs to apply on behalf of the candidate.

For an overseas company without a Singapore-registered office, you need to apply through a local sponsor.

Qualifying salary

Fixed monthly salary comparable to the top one-third of local PMET salaries, starting from $5,000 and increases progressively with age, up to $10,500 for those in the mid-40s. 

Candidates in the financial services sector need higher salaries to qualify.

What is the duration

The duration of the pass is as follows:

  • First-time candidates: Up to 2 years
  • Renewals: Up to 3 years

Experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage may be eligible for a longer 5-year duration pass.

Is it renewable Yes. Find out how to renew.
Medical insurance Employers can choose whether to provide medical insurance for EP holders.
Relevant legislation
Related eServices and forms Access online services and forms for Employment Pass.

Features of the pass

The key features of the pass are as follows:

Pass holders may be required to pay income tax.

Pass map

Overview of what you need to do before, during and after you apply for an Employment Pass.

Step 1 of 4

Statistics and publications

Before applying

Before applying

Step 2 of 4

Statistics and publications

Before arrival

Before candidate's arrival

    • Apply for the EP and wait for the outcome.
    • (If your pass is approved) Get an in-principle approval letter.
    • Ensure that the candidate complies with the latest travel requirements.

Step 3 of 4

Statistics and publications

Upon arrival

Upon candidate's arrival

Step 4 of 4

Statistics and publications

When required

As and when required



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