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Cancel an Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass

In the event that you no longer work in Singapore, you must cancel your Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass within 1 week before your departure date.

At a glance

When to cancel the pass

If you no longer plan to work in Singapore, within 1 week before your departure date.

For example, if your departure date is on 10 February, please submit the request from 3 February onwards.

You do not need to cancel the pass if:

  • You change employers (you only need to notify us annually)
  • You become a Singapore permanent resident
  • Your pass has expired. As long as you are still in Singapore, you need to request for a Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) to give yourself a valid stay in the meantime. Otherwise, an overstaying fine will be imposed.
Who can cancel You or your employment agent
How long it takes Immediate

Once the pass is cancelled:

Before cancelling

Your employer must seek tax clearance from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) at least 1 month before you leave the job.

If you are self-employed, you must fulfil your tax obligations at least 1 month before your expected date of departure.

How to cancel

Log in to EP eService on myMOM Portal to cancel the pass. 

For pass holders who are still in Singapore, you can request for an STVP in the eService to grant yourself a valid stay for up to 90 days from the date of application.

You will receive the STVP by email. You need to show the STVP and a valid passport to the immigration officer when leaving Singapore.

Once the pass is cancelled, please cut the pass card in half and discard it to prevent misuse.

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