eServices and forms for migrant domestic worker (MDW)'s Work Permit
Work permit transactions for domestic helpers and confinement nannies
Estimated time to complete: 1 – 10 mins
Employers or employment agencies can perform Work Permit transactions for helpers and confinement nannies (e.g. apply, issue, renew, extend, cancel or reinstate a Work Permit). Existing sponsors can also use this eService to perform transactions for helpers on behalf of employers.
Work Permit Online (WPOL) for employers of MDWs
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins
Employers of migrant domestic workers (MDWs) can check Work Permit card delivery status and apply to replace a Work Permit card.
Work Permit Online (WPOL) for businesses and employment agencies
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins
Business employers and employment agencies can perform Work Permit transactions, such as requesting for issuance or renewal of a Work Permit. To apply for a Work Permit, please use the Work Permit eService in myMOM Portal.
Check work pass and application status
Estimated time to complete: 1 – 5 mins
Employers can check the status of a work pass application or the validity of a work pass. Work Permit holders can also check their salary information. No log in is required.
Apply for exemption from Employer's Orientation Programme (EOP)
Estimated time to complete: – mins
Employers of migrant domestic workers who want to be exempted from the EOP.
Make, change or cancel appointment
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins
Persons or organisations can make an appointment for services available at MOM Services Centre (MOMSC) or the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC). You can also view, change or cancel your appointment.
Check and pay foreign worker levy
Estimated time to complete: 1 – 5 mins
Employers can view and pay their levy bills online.
Enquire about Work Permit matters
Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins
Persons or organisations can enquire on Work Permit matters.
Application for a Foreign Domestic Worker under the Joint Income Scheme (1.7MB)
Apply for a Work Permit for foreign domestic worker under the Joint Income Scheme. For lower income employers.
Application for Foreign Domestic Worker under the Sponsorship Scheme (1.7MB)
Apply for a Work Permit for foreign domestic worker under the Sponsorship Scheme. For senior citizens living alone with no income.
Application for Interbank GIRO (Foreign Domestic Worker Levy Payment) (299KB)
Open a GIRO account to pay the monthly levy for your foreign domestic worker.
Full Medical Examination Form For Foreign Workers (104KB)
Medical examination form to be completed by a Singapore-registered doctor.