To earn points under the
C1. Salary criteria, your candidate’s
fixed monthly salary needs to meet or exceed the 65th percentile of local PMET salaries in your sector.
How the benchmarks are derived
The benchmarks are derived from MOM’s Manpower Research and Statistics Department’s (MRSD) annual Comprehensive Labour Force Survey.
C1 salary benchmarks by sector
The benchmarks are updated once a year, to reflect the latest market conditions.
The required
fixed monthly salary for candidates increases progressively with age (increases from age 23 to age 45). You can also
check your organisation's sector classification online.
- Candidates who do not meet the EP qualifying salary will not be eligible for an EP, regardless of the points they would have scored under the C1. Salary benchmark.
- EP candidates earning at least $22,500 in fixed monthly salary are exempted from COMPASS.