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What is the Primary Care Plan (PCP)

You must buy a Primary Care Plan (PCP) for your eligible workers. The PCP provides quality, accessible and affordable primary care to workers.

What is PCP

The PCP aims to provide eligible workers with accessible and affordable healthcare and is part of a larger Primary Healthcare System (PHS) established by MOM.

PCP benefits employers and workers by:

  • Supporting proactive public health surveillance to minimise risks of large outbreaks and work disruption
  • Providing peace of mind and protection against unexpected healthcare bills

PCP requirements

Employers must buy a PCP for eligible workers which will cover most of the workers' primary healthcare needs under a fixed scope of services.

Who must have a PCP

PCP is mandatory for Work Permit (excluding migrant domestic workers (MDWs)) and S Pass holders who:

PCP is optional for all other Work Permit (excluding MDWs) or S Pass holders. However, we strongly encourage you to buy PCP for them for better protection.

When to buy the PCP

You must buy the PCP before you can get your worker's Work Permit or S Pass issued or renewed.

You are strongly advised to buy the PCP once you receive the in-principle approval letter or work pass renewal notice for your worker.

Once you have bought the PCP, make a declaration via eServices:

Key facts about PCP

How long is the PCP valid for
  • Valid for 12 months
  • Upon expiry, the PCP is automatically renewed for another 12 months unless terminated by the employer
How to buy the PCP You can only buy the PCP from MOM’s appointed Anchor Operators (AO), depending on the zone where your workers stay.

Find out about getting primary care under the PCP.

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