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Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests (TG-FWAR)

Launched in April 2024, the TG-FWAR sets out the process for employees to formally request for Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs), and for employers to consider and respond to such requests properly.

About the TG-FWAR

The Tripartite Guidelines took effect on 1 December 2024 and replaced the Tripartite Advisory on FWAs issued in 2014 and the Tripartite Standard on FWAs launched in 2017.

The TG-FWAR only covers formal FWA requests.

What employers should do

You should ensure your HR and work processes are designed to accommodate FWAs so that your employees on FWAs can continue working productively.

If you intend to stipulate certain requirements in your process for making a formal FWA request, such as format, template, or other required information, you should communicate the requirements to your employees upfront.

You have 2 months to respond to your employee's FWA request. However, you may start the FWA earlier if you can come to a suitable arrangement with your employee.

If you have already been assessing and granting FWAs informally, you can continue to do so. However, the TG-FWAR does not cover informal FWAs. You should still have a process for instances where your employees may feel a need to file a formal FWA request.

You may refer to information for employers by Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) and Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) to help you with implementing FWAs.

What employees should do

While there is no need for you to formally request for FWAs if informal arrangements have worked well for both you and your employer, you may make a formal request to your employer.

If your employer has stipulated certain requirements in their process for making a formal FWA request, you should follow the requirements.

If your employer does not have stipulated requirements, you could make a formal FWA request in writing indicating:

  • Date of request
  • Type of FWA you are requesting for, including the expected frequency and duration
  • Reason for request
  • Start and end date of the FWA if relevant

You should request for and use FWAs responsibly. If you require assistance on your formal FWA request, you may contact TAFEP or NTUC (for unionised employees) for help.

You may refer to information for employees by Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) on requesting for and using FWAs.

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